divendres, 22 de gener del 2016


Dear Santa,
This year I've been nice, so I wish that you can make me a favour, I want peace in the world, I know that it sounds very cheesy and typical, but mowadays it's very necessary, so I would love it. Also, if you have more time, Can you pull out some hours of school? Or maybe the same hours but later than 8 o'clock please!!! I'm not a person that early in the morning!
PS: And finally, I want boyfriend for my friend Eva...
"See you soon",


In this text I will try to describe myself if I can. Because I think that my personality and attitude change in different aspects of my life. I consider myself a person who knows what she wants, in most aspects.If I want to do something, I do it. Also I overthink a lot when something is wrong, I think about it a lot. I'm very untidy. I think that life is short and we have to live it intensively. I think that people knows that they can trust me. I don't become angry easily, but when I get angry, please run. I think that I'm nice but very stubborn.
Resultat d'imatges de personality