diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


How many miles a week should I run is an article of New York Times:

That article explains the benefits of running. Professionals, like Dr. Carl, said that run five or six miles per week, can improve your healthy. These runners have less problems with high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc, than the other people that not run it. You don't have to run a lot to be more healthy because as Dr. Carl said "It seems like the maximum benefits of running occur at quite low doses".
Also the article said that if you hope to becoming more faster, you have to run more of five or six miles. But you don't have to abuse of running because if you run more of one hour everyday it's damaging for our healthy. 

To be honest I thought that if you run more than five or six miles you become more healthy, because I think that miles are a few ones. Of course, you don't have to abuse of that because it can be very damage for your healthy in different ways but all are bad ones. 


Skimpy: Lacking in size, fullness. Click here to see in the dictionary. 
Strokes: A breaking of a blood vessel that leads to the brain. Click here to see in the dictionary.
Strenuously: Characterized by or required a strong, vigorous activity. Click here to see in the dictionary.
  Resultat d'imatges de run tumbrl

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